Important Update: Fraudulent Activity Under Buuuk's Name
August 30, 2022

It has come to our notice that multiple scams citing fake Buuuk credentials are currently running on the internet. These scammers have created websites resembling Buuuk, and lure unsuspecting individuals through cold calling and whatsapp messages.
Their hook is rewards in return for software ratings and similar activities. Please be aware that Buuuk and all official Buuuk channels do not run any such endeavors, neither do we promote or encourage them. Our only domain is, and any other websites claiming affiliation with us are not legitimate.
Furthermore, there are no crypto or app rating campaigns running on Buuuk's channels. We request you to be vigilant and cautious while dealing with any such requests.
If you come across any suspicious activity related to Buuuk, please report it through our official channels.
For your reference, we advise you to read the Singapore Police Force Advisory on Scam Involving Jobs to Rate Applications, as well as the news article by TNP titled At least $781,000 lost in job scams since April where victims were told to rate apps.
Stay informed and stay safe.