Google I/O 2015

Events July 3, 2015

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At the end of May, our resident Android whizz, Licco, attended Google I/O in San Francisco. This is Google’s annual developers conference, and sees developers from across the world attending.

The main announcement at Google I/O was around Android M, the forthcoming new operating system. TechRadar have been keeping an eye on all the latest news about the forthcoming features.

There was also a lot of good news for users; Google Photos will now come free of charge with unlimited storage for Android and iOS, Google Maps are now available offline (fantastic news for those of us who find ourselves overseas on a regular basis!), and the launch of Google Jump VR which will enable amazing 360 degree, 3D videos.

Licco at Google IO 2
Licco at Google IO 2

Licco really liked Google Cardboard, which enables users to experience virtual reality in a really simple way. You use a simple cardboard viewer to visit new places, play games and have a new and immersive experience, using your phone. In fact, the entire BuUuk team had a great time testing it out in the office – check out the video below.

There were lots of other cool prototypes and innovations to discover. These included Project Jaccquard, which turns your clothes into wearable devices. The goal of Project Jaccquard is to make electronics disappear into everyday life, getting technology out of the way and making interactions more seamless.

Project Soli was also something that sparked Licco’s excitement and interest. This will allow users to control gadgets using radar, meaning it can recognise tiny gestures made in thin air. Google actually spent 10 months working on the radar technology to condense it into a small chip size, greatly increasing the possible applications.

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Trying out Project Soli

At the moment we only have limited screen space but with Project Soli we have a completely free space. Project Soli will definitely be a success because the possibilities are endless.” — Licco

A moment of silliness amongst all the innovations came when attendees got to play around with a load of toys at dinner – check out the light saber fighting!

Light saber fun 2
Fun with light sabers at lunch

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Written By

Claire is our communications gal. She’s responsible for our online communications and marketing. When she’s not writing, she loves to cook up a storm in her kitchen.

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