Buuuk & SPH’s Digital Strategy Course Overview: What We Learnt

Design Events January 2, 2019


Buuuk recently joined forces with Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) to present a one-day course on digital strategy for digital products in the business environment. It took place at SPH office and helped participants on a step by step guide through how to leverage and execute digital technologies to improve their business.

At the Straits Times Digital Strategy Course, there were two main presenters who shared insider information about the best ways to implement a digital strategy and exactly how. Azhar Kasman, Content Strategist for EMTM Digital and SPH’s Tamil Media Group and Editor of Stomp, SPH’s own social media website, took turns presenting the streamlined course material with Buuuk’s Director and Head of Design, Navjot Pawera.

Together, they have a vast amount of experience with developing and helping businesses leverage digital technologies. Here are some of the topics covered and what participants in the workshop gained.

Introduction to Digital Strategy

It’s essential to cover the fundamentals before delving deep into the ins and outs of digital strategy. Azhar described the basics of digital strategy and how to define it for your business, including what you need to know specifically to build your own digital strategy.

Some of the most important things to consider when taking your business online are your marketing strategies, the platform you use, and balancing your budget accordingly. Participants conducted a SWOT analysis of their businesses to see which areas can be improved. Along with SWOT analysis a framework to create customer personas for businesses was also introduced. Azhar provided particpants a SWOT analysis cheat sheet and customer persona guide to allow participants to fill out on the spot.

Using Design Thinking to Build the Foundation of Your Digital Strategy

The workshop helped attendees to understand how to use design thinking as a tool. Navjot from Buuuk, facilitated the group through the subtleties of a customer journey map, a sequence map, and specific instructions on how to build each of them in accordance with your specific field. This technique is very effective for methodically creating an executable plan.

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Specific problems were addressed, such as how to decide whether you should spend time and effort on building an app or a website for your business. Factors that go into the process of putting your business online are customer acquisition strategies, types of platforms that will be used, and of course, budget management.

Business in the Digital Age

Navjot discusses in detail what it means to run a business in the digital age. Times are changing fast, and staying up to date is now more important than ever. There are certain questions that should be asked before even building a new product or service. Nav shared his insight 5 key questions you should ask yourself before starting out to build a new digital product or service.

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Your Own Digital Content Strategy and Marketing Approach

It’s essential to get to know your audience as intimately as possible. And to that effect, there are certain ways that you should and shouldn’t present yourself online. Your online image is extremely important. How to present yourself and how to engage with customers were discussed and explained in detail. A strong social media marketing plan that fits your business well is also vital. Who you should work with to reach your online business goals is a factor that shouldn’t be overlooked. A marketing channel comparison table was provided to demonstrate which strategies work well and which don’t.

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Buuuk & SPH’s Digital Strategy Course: Conclusion

In this invaluable course, attendees gained an essential framework that can be applied to nearly all kinds of online products and services. They learned how to make key decisions for various parts of their digital strategy, and how to make adjustments to improve their overall approach. It was a unique workshop that got positive appreciation from all participants.

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Sid is our Insight and Communications lead. He likes to consider himself as a chaos manager. When not found at his desk, Sid is usually away working remotely or outside longboarding in the parking lot.

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