Weatherlah now on Apple Watch

Events App development November 6, 2015

Weatherlah banner3

Weatherlah is one of our favourite apps, so we’ve been busy working to make it even better. We’re pleased to announce that Weatherlah is now available on the Apple Watch, hooray!

Apple Watch

We’ve updated Weatherlah to include watchOS 2 support. You can now view the 24 hour PSI (Pollutant Standard Index) values on the main Watch face, see detailed 24 hour PSI trend graphs, and use the Time Travel feature to see all the previous PSI values as well. It’s now even easier to keep up to date with what’s going on outside during this haze season.

Weatherlah watch
Weatherlah complications & trend line Glance for Apple Watch

PM2.5 values

In addition, we’ve also added the PM2.5 values as well. Our users told us that this information was important to them, so we’ve added a PM2.5 trend graph to both the Watch and also the iPhone widget (iPhone widget update coming soon). The PM2.5 values are important because these are those nasty little particles which can affect your breathing, particularly if you are elderly or have a respiratory illness like asthma.

Weatherlah Widget Trend Line
A 24 hour trend line widget showing PSI & PM2.5 readings

We get a lot more activity on Weatherlah during the haze periods, both in terms of downloads and app opens, so we hope that making the important PSI numbers and trends easily accessible will really help our users. It’s now even easier to stay informed about what is happening outside, and to take the best steps to protect yourself and your family from the air pollution.

Excitingly for us, Weatherlah got featured on the App Store again, which was wonderful! We timed the updates to tie in with the watchOS 2 launch.

Weatherlah Featured

We hope you like the updates and new features we’ve got for now, but we are planning even bigger things for Weatherlah which will include a full revamp, so watch this space to find out more!

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Claire 3
Written By

Claire is our communications gal. She’s responsible for our online communications and marketing. When she’s not writing, she loves to cook up a storm in her kitchen.

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